Hiking to most people is a tiring and tedious activity, even if you are in shape, hiking can still make you have a sore and weary body in the first few hikes. Hot shower and sleeping could probably be the way for many to recover for the last hike, but we can make a better way by providing tips before setting an adventurous hike on the trail.
1. Prepare yourself before hiking
If you are setting yourself up for a good hike, you need to at least have the mindset of being prepared for your hike. Getting the best or at least decent gear for hiking, unsuitable and broken gears leads more to trouble than a successful hike, so always keep in mind to have a better gear than being sorry in your trail.
2. Never skip your rest hours
Keeping your energy and using it optimally are the keys to have a better hike experience. You need to have a good sleeping gear that satisfies your comfort with an optimized space that won’t be a burden to your hike. Most veteran hikers suggest having a good sleeping bag and a sleeping pad in your backpack. Pillows are optional, but whatever improves your sleep performance then better to have it than none.

Prepare your daily meals
It is always smart to plan and strategize your meal plans because making good meal plans makes your outdoor experience a little less hassle and a little less trouble. Knowing your calorie intakes, finding out the contents of food needed in the track,storing clean water and energy beverages, and helpful snacks that provide you enough fuel with a good taste that push through your journey are “necessary” if you want your hiking experience a little bit better.
Remember to have a good meal before hiking!
4. Know your pace
Be a realistic hiker, if you have an overly exaggerated hiking plan most likely the result of your hike will be a disaster. To set a plan, take the track that is comfortable to your pace (if you have team members consider their pace too). Although sometimes we are tempted to have a fast pace, slowing your pace allows you to recover your muscles to cool down.
5. Make a backup plan
Not all plans will be perfectly executed during the hike. Thus, before going on a hike, remember to set some risk management plan and responsibilities.
6. Make a stretching routine and a body massage
After a tiring hike, consider having a low stretching routine(like Yoga). Stretching can help you have a stronger set of muscles and ease to recover bit by bit.
7. Be reasonable and know your limits
Through some unfortunate circumstances, some things in your hike have uncontrolled events that may lead to failures. Be realistic to your expectations and limits, understand what you can do and can’t do, understand your abilities and avoid being too obsessed with accomplishing objectives that are beyond your limit.
Pushing your body to the limit that is unnecessary may give you permanent injuries which we want to avoid in our lives, always. You only have one life, so make the best of it.